Responsible for: Logo design, copywriting, page design and business plan.
Project Overview: The Riverside was based on a business plan that we wrote during the first semester. In groups, my class group was assigned a real business that was lacking in an attractive or effective online presence. As a group, we were to write a business plan to help improve the business. My group was given an all-in-one event space, inclusive of a fine dining space and local pub. A large part of the project was to re-design the website and decide on the hierarchy of each aspect of the restaurant.
I chose to focus on the homepage, pushing the pub and events to attract more customers to the page. The restaurant brings the most money into the event space through their events, (primarily weddings), along with the pub, which locals frequent daily. I focused primarily on making bookings easy for customers, along with creating quicker and more efficient access to viewing the menu. However, the images were indeed the most important aspect of the site; I searched high and low for images that spoke louder than content.
Final Design